Money Plant Care

Money Plant Care

To prevent root rot, grow a money tree in well-draining soil, such as sand or peat moss, within a container with good drainage. Even though it thrives in moist soil, allow it to dry out between waterings. Before you start watering, the top two to four inches of dirt should be completely dry in most places. Water the plant hard until water starts to come out of the pot’s drain holes, and then pour out the extra water from the tray. This will keep the water from getting all the way down to the roots. Check out these money plant care to enhance your knowledge.

If you can’t keep your money tree in a bright, hot bathroom, you can make a similar environment by putting the plant on top of a shallow tray filled with small stones and then adding just enough water to cover the rocks halfway. Outside of USDA hardiness zones 10–12, money trees must be kept as pets because they can’t handle cold weather.

Money Plant Care

In the next section, we’ll explore ten essential tips for successfully growing a money plant, also known as Pothos, in both soil and water. Learn how to propagate a money plant for robust growth and lush leaves. The Epipremnum aureum, commonly referred to as pothos or money plant, is a thriving vine that thrives in humid conditions. Its distinctive golden leaves make it a popular houseplant. While some believe it brings financial luck, let’s shift our focus. NASA recognizes its air-purifying qualities, and it goes by various names, including golden pothos, Ceylon creeper, hunter’s garment, ivy arum, silver vine, marble queen, taro vine, devil’s vine, and devil’s ivy. We’ll provide an overview of money plant care with detailed guidance for your convenience.

Plant Reproduction through Cuttings

Pachira aquatica stems don’t need water for rooting. Use sand or similar materials. Select a healthy 6-inch stem with 2-3 leaf nodes for cutting. Morning trimming with sterilized shears is best. Keep cuttings moist in a paper towel or a plastic bag for up to a day.

Remove lower leaves, dip the cutting in rooting hormone, and plant it in soil. Use a plastic bag to maintain humidity but avoid over-wetting the soil. After 4-6 weeks in the dark, new leaves and roots should emerge.


When repotting an indoor money tree plant, it is best to use a soil mix that is mostly made of peat moss and is available for purchase. Adding 25% coarse sand and 75% perlite to the potted soil will help it drain better. If you don’t have any sand on hand, you can use clean pea gravel instead. Before using the new container, make sure the bottom has holes for water to drain. Pudwell said that plants should be put in frost-free areas where they can be protected from the cold by big, well-established trees. The soil should drain well and have an amount of fertility that is about average.


West Coast Gardens says that your money tree should be kept between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep your plant at least three feet away from windows, doors, and heating and cooling sources that let in drafts.


In spring, use high-nitrogen fertilizer (12-6-6) to boost growth. Transition to a balanced fertilizer (10-10-10) in summer. In fall, shift to lower-nitrogen (3-10-10) for strong roots and increased leaf growth. Adjust feeding frequency based on the season. Dilute liquid fertilizer to one-fourth strength and apply weekly or reduce watering by half and fertilize bi-weekly. Alter the watering schedule to avoid overhydration. If using slow-release powdered fertilizers, mix into the soil and water as usual. Avoid fertilizing in winter when the plant is not in the active growth phase.


Maintain humidity for your money tree by misting it daily with room-temperature water. Place it in well-lit areas like the kitchen or bathroom. Occasionally spray the leaves with warm water to keep them clean and deter pests.

Check soil moisture by inserting a finger into the pot. If it’s dry, water until it overflows into the saucer, but discard excess water after an hour to prevent overwatering. Avoid extended submersion, as it can harm the roots. Use a fan to prevent drying, especially in cold, dry winters.


Since a healthy money tree only needs bright, indirect sunlight, it won’t be hard to find the right spot in the yard for your plant. If your living room floor or home office floor gets too much direct sunlight, you might want to put a plant stand there. Indirect sunlight can quickly burn the leaves, but your plant may be able to adjust to less light. However, too little light can stop the plant from growing and turn the leaves yellow.


Pachira pods split open when seeds are ready; let them release naturally. Catch falling seeds with garden fabric. Pachira seeds can be eaten fresh or cooked for a peanut-like or chestnut flavor. Use caution due to cyclopropanoid fatty acids; start with small amounts to ensure safety. Money plant care involves providing the right conditions for this popular indoor plant.

An Outdoor Lifestyle

Even though it’s hot and humid here, he says, “of course they can spend their summer outside in partial shade and enjoy their vacation.” It’s good to get some sun, but you shouldn’t be out in it for too long. Take the plant away from any places where strong winds could hurt it. The temperature must never drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit at night. When they move the event outside, they will need more water because the pot will dry out faster because it will be in the sun more.


Money trees can grow in a lot of different types of dirt. The most important thing is that the earth can’t let water through. Soils that are like clay often have problems with being too wet and too muddy. It is suggested that a lot of peat or other organic material be added to the clay soil to make it better. The best things for trees grown in containers are ventilation holes and perlite.

If you want to put trees in pots, you need potting soil that drains well. To make sure your money tree stays healthy and grows, you should put it in a mix of humus and loam. There is no problem with the mixtureiez having grit in it. In the wild, they might be able to live through short floods as long as the water goes away quickly. People think that the best pH range for dirt is between 6.0 and 7.5. They can live in either saline or acidic soil, but they grow best in a medium between the two.

Trimming and Forming

Pruning involves cutting off diseased or damaged plant parts. As the plant grows, regular trimming maintains its size. In the fall, trim old and long stems to prevent excessive growth. Twisted plants usually require minimal pruning, but braiding can be challenging. To braid, use young plants with at least three flexible branches, bind them gently, and avoid harming the stems. Use twine if needed to secure the braid. Once secured, twist the grass higher on the stalks. For a bonsai look, use wire to direct growth, but it’s a time-consuming process. Wires shape and guide plant growth. Bonsai money trees need more frequent pruning to control shoot growth and leaf placement.

Growth from Isolated Seeds

To start a new plant from scratch, you’ll need money tree seeds. When grown plant seed pods dry out and split open, they’re freshest. Before planting, check seeds for damage. Prepare the packages. Each seed needs a 6-8 inch diameter pot. Check for bottom drainage holes. Mix 5 parts soil, 2 parts sand, 1 part perlite for well-draining soil. Fully submerge buckets in water. Wait 15 minutes before planting seedlings. Consider seed “eye” – plant it horizontally in a shallower hole. Add more soil if needed after watering. Money trees need warm soil, use a seed starting pad at 80 degrees for optimal growth.

Provide strong, indirect light for your plant. Water when the top inch of soil dries out. Monitor soil moisture carefully with a seed starting pad. When you see growth, remove the plant from the mat. Keep the soil moist but avoid watering seedlings directly. In the first year, provide young plants with bright, indirect sunlight for best growth. Harden off plants before moving them outdoors or into permanent pots.


Can i Water my Money Plant with Coffee?

Money Trees do best when extra coffee grounds are used as compost or compost tea. People who say that putting used coffee grounds in their plants makes a big difference are probably right. Used coffee grounds have many natural nutrients that are good for plants and can help them grow.

Is there Someone Whose Money Plant we can Steal?

It is very important that money plants are never grown outside. Vastu says that if someone takes a money plant out of your home or picks its leaves, they are also taking away your luck and money. This plant does best in places with little light, so it’s best to grow it indoors.

Why is the Money Plant so Exceptional?

By using money plants, levels of benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and xylene are lowered. This has been shown to improve both the amount and quality of air inside. People have said that the air in a room with a money plant is easier to breathe because it has more oxygen in it.


We think that having a money plant as a houseplant would be good for the vast majority of people. Money plants are great friends and partners because they can live for a long time after you do. Money plants may offer various financial benefits, with varying degrees of scientific support. As we’ve already seen, money plants can bring about these benefits. In conclusion, the topic of money plant care is complex and has a huge impact on many people. If you’re interested in exploring money plant vastu, click here to read more and discover hidden gems around the world.

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